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Monday, October 31, 2005

Prince Charles - an Innocent abroad?

Courtesy of the Xinhua News Agency comes a report that Prince Charles will try to persuade Mr Bush and America to be more tolerant to Islam. He harbours concerns over America's confrontational approach to Muslim countries and its failure to appreciate Islam's strengths.

This appears to be part of the Prince's strategy of dumping 'Defender of the Faith' in favour of 'Defender of Faith' if he ever gets to heat his rear end on the throne that his mother has kept so warm for so long. Faith which in his context and upbringing means the Judeo-Christian belief, has morphed into faiths - an act of synctretistic sleight of hand that means you can be all things to all persons without referring back to that uncomfortable old bore St Paul who keeps on harping away about faith.

The Prince seems not to have noticed that attached to his left shirt cuff is the Duchess of Cornwall on this his first official foreign tour. There's something curious about his concern for the maintenance of Islamic strengths and presumably values. In the light of the recorded marital shennanigans of both parties, and various admissions of adultery, he had better not make any official foreign visits to hard line Islamic countries. There might be stones among the flowers that will be thrown at them.


Blogger Canadianna said...

Anglicanism being what it is (no one really knows for sure) is hardly identifiable, let alone defendable, but Charles should really stick to what he knows best . . . what is that, exactly? Ah yes, feminine hygene products.

4:28 am  

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