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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Did I not tell you? The name of Scotland has a certain odour about it now that The Leaping Salmond and his sidekick McAskill have stuck by their guns. All that fussing and feuding in Tripoli, accompanied by a waved Saltire (horror of Horrors!), all the half revealed negotiations, all the sleazy goings on means that the good name of Scotland has been dragged through the mud and the sand too.

L'affaire Megrahi is not yet over. Whatever it has done, it has succeeded in exposing a teensy amount of the SNP/Moslem byplay that goes on out of the public eye, about which more later. Out of all the criticism that The Leaping One's activities have engendered, there are few more trenchant critics than Professor Tom Gallagher, Peace Studies, University of Bradford. Google his name for a good read about Scotland today on a number of websites.


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