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Monday, September 21, 2009

The news that The Leaping Salmond is prepared to throw his hat into the ring, one last throw of the dice, in calling for a referendum on independence comes as no surprise. It flies in the face of polls that suggest a 28% interest in the subject but that means little to The Great Leaper. What came with the announcement was that he intends to throw his 'child soldiers' into the frontline. His intention is to allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote in such a referendum.

The thinking behind this cynical ploy is clear. Many of the younger generation have a slightly naive approach to politics. That may be why so many have, not quite a romantic attachment to nationalism, but rather a pseudo-patriotic one, demonstrated in community singing of dirges such as 'Flower of Scotland' and showing off face painting at sporting events . It stems of course from the 'Braveheart' phenomenon, a work of fiction that has been transformed into apparent fact by its cultivation by nationalists. That it is historical garbage seems immaterial. When the manipulation of media sways all of us and propaganda falls on well prepared soil, anything can happen.

How will teenagers be rewarded for their presumed voting patterns in favour of nationalism, assuming that Westminster allows voting rights to be given to them because the final decision rests there? One thing that the Leaping Salmond cannot give them is a drink to celebrate victory if it happens. The New Calvinists have issued new licensing laws that have forced supermarket checkout assistants to wear badges that inform you that if you look under 25 you will be asked for your age if alcohol is involved with your shopping. More sinister than that, is their regulation that if an individual asks for alcohol before 10.00am, a description has to be written down of the person asking. What-ho for an independent Scotland! The promise of things to come!


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